World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
2017 Theme-Understand and End Financial Abuse of Older People:
A Human Rights Issue.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day seeks to prevent elder abuse incidents by encouraging community participation on a broad scale. The day is about all of us working together to bring greater recognition of the mistreatment of older people where they live.
On 15th June, 2017, the NEPNI team headed by Trustee member Mrs. Khursida Begum participated to help raise awareness about WEAAD and raise voice against its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted to our elder generations at the Helping Hands Old Age Home (An Initiative of “Wide Vision”) Lutuma, Guwahati- 18. It is a home supporting older people experiencing or at risk of experiencing abuse from family or friends. In her speech, Mrs. Khursida Begum expressed her sincere gratitude towards the management of the Old Age Home for taking up such a noble initiative. She added that older people have the right to a life of dignity in old age, free from all kinds of abuse. The residents of Old Age Home were provided with a normal health check-up by the students of NEPNI along with some food and grocery items.